Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nails OT

Something slightly pink and gold at the same time, it was what I wanted! I don't know if we can clearly see the ombre nail ! It's a shame I broke my camera, I have to buy a new one... 

I tried to make my lips up like my index's nail, haha not that good though but it was funny to do it !

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Different but so close

Everyone has their different style, their own look that suit them.

You want to know a bit about them? Just asked!

Nails OT

Trying to do something with my nails today:



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blue Satin Ribbon

Today, today.... 

Outfit of the day

I've just came back from my trip, and it was a disaster...
Not the journey, but after that! I was on my way to go home, I tried a new journey to go home, so the train took me to nowhere, I wasn't really lost, but I missed 3 buses who had to drive me home. And do you know why I missed 3 buses ? Because of this fucking oyster card AGAIN!!!
Anyway, I went home tired and everything went wrong for me.
I did tell you that I live in London, but not that I was in a host family, everything was alright for me and my two lovelies housemates, but we have to move out from the family for some reasons.
To summarize, I've just came back from nowhere and I have to pack my stuffs for tomorrow YAY! Besides, because I didn't want to be overburdened by two big luggage I sent it away in France, consequently I have nothing to pack my stuffs YAY²!! So what remains for me to do it's to complain about every single things ^^

Friday, May 10, 2013

Harmless curly hair !

Do you want these curly hair without using any straightener and hair dryer, something that can curl your hair without harming them ?
I have the solution here for you! check the video below:

For french's people click here

A Particular Day!

I would like to thank first both of my housemate for taking these picture of me!

So today I'm wearing a DIY (do it yourself) sweat that I just have made because I was bored, I will show you how was the sweat before in a future post, just stay online :p!

The sun appears and here they are!


Thanks to those girls that I cherish a lot !

Monday, May 6, 2013

Beautiful Hair ?

Today's topic is on our dear hair ! Something really important for all of us.

My own hair ;)

Your hair are dry and damage ? You want it soft and shinning ?

It's simple, you just have to apply a hair mask, three times in a week and use it like a conditioner, or once a week but you have to wait 30 minutes or more before washing your hair. I usually use it like a conditioner, and sometimes on a Sunday I apply the hair mask and stay still 1 or 2 hours and then wash my hair. For my part I use a mask from L'Oreal, which is the best I think, because when I first dye my hair, the fucking  hairdresser burnt my hair... Some part of my hair was fucked up because of that... But ever since I used this mask, my hair is just so soft, and bright as it was before I dye it. Even if I kept on dying my hair, not in the same hairdresser of course! My hair is still healthy thanks to that.
To give you a tips, when you wash your hair with the mask or a conditioner massage your hair from your hair ends to the top.

Besides, if you want to make your hair shiny and glistening , you should at the end of your shower pour (really) cold water on your hair, even if it's cold, you have to suffer to be a beauty ;p
Hmmm what's more.. In order to not damage your hair it's better for you to use a boar hair brush.

For an advice, I will tell you to alternate your shampoo don't always use a strong shampoo, you must alternate with a kid shampoo, yeah it's kind of weird but it works!
And don't use too often the hairdryer and the straightener.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Say hi to my friend !

"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar."

Because it was a Beautiful day

Walking down the street of brick lane.
bricklaneIt was just amazing to see all these fancy people. I like this street. there is also the bagel factory which is very famous, but I think the one who is next to the bagel factory, the yellow one is way better, they offer you to make your own bagel, whereas at the white one (bagel factory) it is already prepared moreover they are stingy on their bagel, a bit unfriendly and not very amiable unlike at the yellow one!

To summary if you walk down the street of brick lane, you should go to the yellow one!

Alibaba's bar where i'm sitting

Beautiful day

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Healthy Diet

It's been 3 days now I started my diet.
I will each day show you one of my dishes and my diet is very simple and not complicated to follow, all you need is motivation and determination.
Furthermore, you will have to forget about your scale! And throw away all your miracle's pills, which is told to make you lose weight by unknown people, which is not true! it will just cause you trouble in the future.

A diet is not to prohibit yourself from all the food you want, but it's to eat without excess.
You have to eat properly at the same time, have 3 or 2 meals a day (better to have 3 meals a day though)
I'm not calling myself a dietitian but I know that it can work and I will prove it to you!

First, you have to know that I don't prohibit anything in my diet, because if I start to think:" I'm not allowed to eat this and that", it won't work. It is psychological, because as a human being, you always do the opposite as what one say.
Consequently, in my mind, everything is allowed!

Secondly, a diet without sport, is a complete waste of time !!! It's not because you will clap your hand that you will automatically lose weight! We don't live in fairy tale. So you have to go to the gym at least twice or three times a week. Of course you can go running, bicycling, swimming or whatever that can make you sweat! Alcohol is not allowed, sorry girls !! (or boys??) You have to drink a lot of water, just water 1.5 L/ 2L per day ! even more if you can ;)

Besides, the recommended food will be (of course) vegetables and fruits. So to eat properly and as a consequence to lose weight you have to keep this diet for at least one month or more, depends on how much you want to lose, and afterwards you won't gain any weight, I'm going to explain you why.

The first month you will have to eat vegetables and a portion of fish or meat whichever you like but not fat meat. So chicken is very welcomed as beefs.
All you can eat fruits, whenever you feel like hungry and at least one cup of green tea or coffee, without milk and sugar, but you can drink more like twice or three times a day.
You will have to incorporate in your vegetables once a week a little portion of starchy food

I will show you each day one of my dinner and explain further why it's great.

One month after, you will little by little incorporate starchy food like once or twice a week, but a normal portion and you will keep the same diet for 15 days. Of course you have to keep on going to the gym.
15 days after you can allow yourself for one day something that you are starving of.

And finally, you will have to reach the last step, the stabilization, tell your mind that you have done all this way till now, so you won't give up and forget this ultimate step !
The stabilization consist of keeping the weight you want. You can eat whatever you want but you have to eat reasonably during 1 week. Naturally, you will have to keep on going to the gym!

After this week you can eat whatever you want, however you must keep on going to the gym once or twice in a week. You will have to find a balance between your expenses and your average energy intakes (calories).
I advise you to eat all the caloric food as pastry, bakery, candy, fast-food etc,etc... before going to the gym.

Do NOT forget you must not fall into an excess of food, you have to eat reasonably.

Friday, May 3, 2013


Fucking day! I was on my way to the school then I got stuck in a traffic jam! 25 mins instead of 5 mins to get to the station! Arriving to the station I didn't have my debit card with me, consequently I could not top up my oyster because notes and coins are unavailable to be taken by the machine!!!! Thanks god for this lovely day and if you want to make it worse, all I need is a pigeon who's gonna shit on me!
Vulgarity time....
Anyway, even if I did not get to the school but just to the station, my outfit yesterday was this one:

By the way, do you want to know why I called myself Mlle Spoon (Miss Spoon)?
I'll let you guessed for the time being and you will soon have a clue ! So make a guess :)

How can I introduce myself ?

How can I be more original and atypical than others bloggers ? I'll just say that I'm 19 and I want to share a piece of my life, and at the same time share with you guys my sudden passion for fashion, can't really say sudden though. In order to have more knowledge about fashion and be more accurate in English (haha) I decided to write about my daily life and show you some of my outfit of the day.
However for today it will just be my introduction. Shall we start ?
While writing it, I said to myself that I have to keep writing and keep up with this blog. So let's do it! (I did not know if those first lines will be updated, but if you can read this blog, you know the answer :p )

Anyway, as I said, I'm a young (fresh?) woman ! I'm French and right now I'm in London, where I go to EF International School, a place where I can learn English and meet a lot, a lot of people from everywhere! (Of course, I do miss my family, my friends, but there is only 211,61 miles between Paris and London (which is 340,55 km).
London is a must-see city! You have to come here if you have never been there, there is so much to do over here. Each time you do NOT know what to do, there is always something to do, ALWAYS.

Well, enough talking about London, we have time for that, and I will even write a whole article on it (I think)

Do you want to know about my thought today (02/05/2013 at 1am, will it be funny if I post this in 10 years !) I am way to tired to tell you... But well, the only thing I will tell you is that I think today is my Johnny Depp's Day and if you have never seen one of these films you must, no you HAVE TO watch it: Benny and Joon & Finding Neverland.

What do you think of JD in Benny and Joon ?*